Mostrant de 1 a 6 de 6 notícies disponibles amb etiqueta "inflammation"
New Open Access Book Chapter!!
Book: Intestinal permeability
Chapter: Beneficial Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Intestinal Permeability and Its Relationship with Inflammation
Authors: Carlos González-Quilen, Esther Rodríguez-Gallego, Raúl Beltrán-Debón, Montserrat Pinent, Anna Ardévol, Maria Teresa Blay and Ximena Terra
Recently puplished article regarding GSPE effects on the inflammed gut
MoBioFood published a book chapter describing the flavonoid interaction with the gastrointestinal tract
The book is entitled "Grape Seeds: Nutrient Content, Antioxidant Properties and Health Benefits". Nova Publishers New York.
Chapter 3: Flavonoids Interaction with Gastrointestinal Tract: Modulation of Enteroendocrine System, Intestinal Permeability and Metabolic Endotoxemia.
This chapter is focused on how flavonoids could modulate the body homeostasis acting directly on the gastrointestinal tract, explaining their effects on obesity-related pathologies.
MoBioFood participated in the XXV Catalan Society of Digestology Congress celebrated in Reus
MoBioFood Research Group ha publicat recentment un treball al Journal of Functional Foods
Mobiofood Research Group ha publicat recentment un treball al Journal of Functional Foods que descriu l'efecte antiinflamatori i immunoestimulador de les proantocianidines de llavor de raïm conjuntament amb el DHA
N Martínez-Micaelo, N González-Abuín, M Pinent, A Ardévol and M Blay. Procyanidins and docosahexaenoic acid suppress inflammation and boost immune system in cafeteria diet-fed rats. Journal of Functional Foods (2015), pp. 61-71. DOI information: 10.1016/j.jff.2015.02.017
MoBioFood Research Group obtained funding to further study satiety and gut inflammation