Displaying from 1 to 6 of 6 available piece of news with tag "flavonoids"
New Open Access Book Chapter!!
Book: Intestinal permeability
Chapter: Beneficial Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Intestinal Permeability and Its Relationship with Inflammation
Authors: Carlos González-Quilen, Esther Rodríguez-Gallego, Raúl Beltrán-Debón, Montserrat Pinent, Anna Ardévol, Maria Teresa Blay and Ximena Terra
Recently published paper regarding GSPE efects on the enteroendocrine system
The enteroendocrine system regulates hunger and satiety through hormones secreted in the gut. Dr. Iris Ginés explored the effects on the enteroendocrine system of different flavonoid treatments in rats on a cafeteria diet. She concluded that flavonoids from grape seed modulate the enteroendocrine system reducing food intake or body weight.
Iris Ginés Started her international stay at the University of Teramo (Italy)
Prof. Claudio D'Addario has a wide expertise investigating epigenetic changes and biomarkers.
MoBioFood interview for Gut Microbiota for Health. Research & Practice
MoBioFood published a book chapter describing the flavonoid interaction with the gastrointestinal tract
The book is entitled "Grape Seeds: Nutrient Content, Antioxidant Properties and Health Benefits". Nova Publishers New York.
Chapter 3: Flavonoids Interaction with Gastrointestinal Tract: Modulation of Enteroendocrine System, Intestinal Permeability and Metabolic Endotoxemia.
This chapter is focused on how flavonoids could modulate the body homeostasis acting directly on the gastrointestinal tract, explaining their effects on obesity-related pathologies.
Research collaboration between MoBioFood and the Imperial College from London
During the last week, Dr Jacques Behmoaras and Jeong Hun Ko from the Imperial College, London, UK have visited our lab at the MoBioFood Research Group, URV, Spain due to a research collaboration.