Mostrant de 141 a 146 de 146 notícies disponibles
Two predoctoral grants available at MoBioFood Research Group
The research Group has two predoctoral grants available as part of the Martí i Franquès Programme of Research Grants from the Rovira i Virgili University.
MoBioFood Research Group attends to the session “Strategies for transferring knowledge to the industry”
The group was awarded a grant of ACCIÓ for training and advice within the program "Programa d'Emperenedoria Corporativa". On Wednesday (13th of May), the Research Group attended to the third session of the program.
International Postdoctoral Fellowship in MoBioFood Research Group
MoBiofood research group is interested in hosting Marie Curie fellows in our institution. We aim to attract highly talented scientists in the area of Biosciences seeking advanced research training and career development opportunities.
MoBioFood Research Group obtained funding to further study satiety and gut inflammation
Carlos González defended his Doctoral Thesis!
El Carlos González-Quilen va defensar el 16 de Setembre de 202 la seva Tesi Doctoral amb el resultat d'Excel·lent Cum laude! Enhorabona Dr. González-Quilen!!!!
Iris Ginés defended her Doctoral Thesis!
The 6th of February 2019, Iris Ginés defended her Doctoral Thesis. It was supervised by Dr. Anna Ardèvol Grau and Dr. Montserrat Pinent Armengol from MoBioFood Research Group (Departament de Bioquímica i Biotecnologia).